
eisegesis [ahy-si-jee-sis]: an interpretation, esp. of Scripture, that expresses the interpreter's own ideas, bias, or the like, rather than the meaning of the text.

epistemology [i-pis-tuh-mol-uh-jee]: noun- a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge.

eschotology:   Study of the last days.  Is a part of theology and philosophy concerned with what are believed to be the final events in the history of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humanity, commonly referred to as the end of the world. (Source Wikipedia)

ex nihilo:  The Latin phrase ex nihilo means "out of nothing". It often appears in conjunction with the concept of creation, as in creatio ex nihilo, meaning "creation out of nothing" — chiefly in philosophical or theological contexts, but also occurs in other fields.  (Wikipedia)

exegesis [ek-si-jee-sis]:  critical explanation or interpretation of a text or portion of a text, esp. of the Bible.
1619, from Gk. exegeisthai "explain, interpret," from ex- "out" + hegeisthai "to lead, guide

 He·ge'li·an adj. & n.The monist, idealist philosophy of Hegel in which the dialectic of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis is used as an analytic tool in order to approach a higher unity or a new thesis.

hermeneutics [hur-muh-noo-tik, -nyoo-]
–noun (used with a singular verb
1. the science of interpretation, esp. of the Scriptures.
2. the branch of theology that deals with the principles of Biblical exegesis 

Incurvatus in se , Latin (Turned/curved inward on oneself) is a theological phrase describing a life lived "inward" for self rather than "outward" for God and others.

lex orandi, lex credendi: 
(Latin loosely translatable as "the law of prayer is the law of belief") refers to the relationship between worship and belief, and is an ancient Christian principle which provided a measure for developing the ancient Christian creeds, the canon of scripture and other doctrinal matters based on the prayer texts of the Church, that is, the Church's liturgy. In the Early Church there was liturgical tradition before there was a common creed and before there was an officially sanctioned biblical canon. These liturgical traditions provided the theological framework for establishing the creeds and canon. (Wikipedia)

metanarrative:  In critical theory, and particularly postmodernism, a metanarrative (from meta-narrative, sometimes also known as a master- or grand narrative) is an abstract idea that is thought to be a comprehensive explanation of historical experience or knowledge.
on·to·log·i·cal (ŏn'tə-lŏj'ĭ-kəl) -- noun.
  1. Of or relating to essence or the nature of being.
  2. Of or relating to the argument for the existence of God holding that the existence of the concept of God entails the existence of God.

Pelagianism [puh-ley-jee-uhn, -juhn]-noun.  A follower of Pelagius, who denied original sin and believed in freedom of the will. -adj. of or pertaining to Pelagius or Pelagianism.

Postmillennialism:  The doctrine or belief that the Second Coming of Christ will come after the millennium.

Premillennialism:  The doctrine or belief that the Second Coming of Christ will precede the millennium.

Preterist [pret-er-ist] a person who maintains that the prophecies in the Apocalypse have already been fulfilled.

Simul justus et peccator, Latin, Means that a Christian's righteousness or justification imputed in baptism is a gift of Christ, freely given despite the sinner's condition. The doctrine of "simul justus" is not an excuse for lawlessness, or a license for continued sinful conduct; rather, properly understood, it comforts the person who truly wishes to be free from sin and is aware of the inner struggle within him. Romans 7 is the key biblical passage for understanding this doctrine.

soteriology [suh-teer-ee-ol-uh-jee]–noun Theology. The doctrine of salvation through Jesus Christ.

theopneustos:  theópneustos (from /theós, "God" and /pnéō, "breathe out") – properly, God-breathed, referring to the divine inspiration (inbreathing) of Scripture (used only in 2 Tim 3:16), via

Theopoetics:  Theopoetics suggests that instead of trying to develop a “scientific” theory of God such as would a Systematic Theology, theologians should instead try to find God through poetic articulations of their lived (“embodied”) experiences. Wikipedia.

Definitions from unless otherwise noted.